
Tuesday 16 April 2013

CIQ Tuesday 16th April 2013

Please Post Here:

1. At what moment in the class this week did you feel most engaged with what was happening?

2. At what moment in the class this week did you feel most distanced from what was happening?

3. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took in class this week did you find most affirming and helpful?

4. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took in class this week did you find the most confusing puzzling?

5. What about the class this week surprised you the most? (This could be something about your own reactions to what went on, or something that someone did, or anything else that occurs to you.)


  1. 1. The first part of the lesson was when I felt the most engaged in what was happening. When the class , Well Half the class turned up.
    2. Probably the last hour of the lesson.
    3. When Paul explained the plan of the next week.
    4.Non Really
    5. Nothing Surprised me today.

  2. 1. At what moment in the class this week did you feel most engaged with what was happening?
    Discussing the chevrolet project in the morning

    2. At what moment in the class this week did you feel most distanced from what was happening?
    During the afternoon when everyone left to do their own thing

    3. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took in class this week did you find most affirming and helpful?
    Talking about ideas and ideas for short films

    4. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took in class this week did you find the most confusing puzzling?

    5. What about the class this week surprised you the most? (This could be something about your own reactions to what went on, or something that someone did, or anything else that occurs to you.)
    How much time we do not have left and that Paul is a bad at drawing

  3. 1. At what moment in the class this week did you feel most engaged with what was happening?
    Filming the chevrolet video

    2. At what moment in the class this week did you feel most distanced from what was happening?
    I was busy all day so I wasn't distanced

    3. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took in class this week did you find most affirming and helpful?
    Paul helping us with the filming

    4. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took in class this week did you find the most confusing puzzling?
    How difficult it is to work with children

    5. What about the class this week surprised you the most? (This could be something about your own reactions to what went on, or something that someone did, or anything else that occurs to you.)
    How many people haven't filmes yet

  4. 1: Filming the Chevrolet video
    2: i was not distanced
    3: Paul helping us with our filming
    4: The child actor we were filming, we always knew that young children were hard to work with, yet actually filming it proved that we were still unprepared for it.
    5: How close the deadline is for the Chevrolet

  5. 1. Talking about chevrolet with my group, also knowing that we are ready for our 'inspiration' video
    2. The Governors coming in
    3. Again, talking about the work within my group- we have practically planned all we need now
    4. N/a
    5. How near chevvy deadline is

  6. It's late as internet problems at home.
    1) taling abut our Chevrolet idea and how we are going to do it.
    2) N/A
    3) Paul talking about the idea and keeping us on track
    5) How much work we have got left to do.
