Tuesday 9 April 2013

CIQ Tuesday 9th April 2013

Please Post Here:

1. At what moment in the class this week did you feel most engaged with what was happening?

2. At what moment in the class this week did you feel most distanced from what was happening?

3. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took in class this week did you find most affirming and helpful?

4. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took in class this week did you find the most confusing puzzling?

5. What about the class this week surprised you the most? (This could be something about your own reactions to what went on, or something that someone did, or anything else that occurs to you.)


  1. 1. At what moment in the class this week did you feel most engaged with what was happening?

    When Paul helped me with my Chevrolet project.

    2. At what moment in the class this week did you feel most distanced from what was happening?

    3. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took in class this week did you find most affirming and helpful?

    Finally thinking of a good idea to develop and work on for Chevrolet project.

    4. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took in class this week did you find the most confusing puzzling?

    Nothing was confusing or puzzling.

    5. What about the class this week surprised you the most? (This could be something about your own reactions to what went on, or something that someone did, or anything else that occurs to you.)

    Nothing really.

  2. 1: When Paul was helping me with my queries
    2: I did not feel distanced
    3: Again when Paul was helping me with my query
    4: I did not feel puzzled at all
    5: How simple something i worried over actually appeared to be. I just needed a few pointers

  3. 1. At what moment in the class this week did you feel most engaged with what was happening?
    Talking to Paul about Chevrolet

    2. At what moment in the class this week did you feel most distanced from what was happening?
    Getting distracted by others in the Mac room.

    3. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took in class this week did you find most affirming and helpful?
    Paul providinjg us with an alternative festival to the Inspire festival. I thought that we would need to find one but the one in Leicester sounds OK.

    4. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took in class this week did you find the most confusing puzzling?
    Nothing was confusing today. I know what I needed to do.

    5. What about the class this week surprised you the most? (This could be something about your own reactions to what went on, or something that someone did, or anything else that occurs to you.)
    Another day is gone and I'm still worried that I havn't got enough time left.

  4. 1. Talking about the scripts early in the day, although not meant for me, I still found it useful
    2. I did not feel distanced
    3. Talking about another festival aimed at the midlands
    4. I wasn't confused
    5. I'm surprised at how few of us have actually come up with a good/doable idea for chevrolet promo

  5. 1) Talking through projects we need to do and also working on possible ideas for our Chevrolet project.
    2) I was only distracted by other people talking and also stories on the internet.
    3) knowing that if Inspire doesn't hapen at least there are othe festivals we can enter our short films into.
    4) I was confused about the number of projects we need to do in only about 6 weeks. I'm gettin worried
    5) I surprised at how so many people still didn't have an idea for Chevrolet before the start of today. We've been discussing this since October and Novemeber. I really need to start making.

  6. 1. At what moment in the class this week did you feel most engaged with what was happening?
    when my group was discussing inspire project, haven't got a set idea but we were discussing our ideas

    2. At what moment in the class this week did you feel most distanced from what was happening?
    after paul spoke to us and we went off to do our own work took me about an hour to get into gear

    3. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took in class this week did you find most affirming and helpful? paul and jordan talking about our young creative chevrolet, ironing out all the details

    4. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took in class this week did you find the most confusing puzzling? nothing today

    5. What about the class this week surprised you the most? (This could be something about your own reactions to what went on, or something that someone did, or anything else that occurs to you.) how nobody has anything done for chevrolet
